

Groundwater Conditions






United Water Conservation District is dedicated to providing fresh, clean, and safe water to the retail agencies we serve. We follow strict water quality standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water. Our highly trained staff perform regular testing to ensure drinking water meets or exceeds those specifications. Water produced by our wells is naturally filtered through the ground and chlorine and chloramines are added for disinfection.

Consumer Confidence Report

United’s Oxnard Hueneme Delivery System supplies about 10,000 acre-feet of water per year to several agencies in the Oxnard Plain, including the cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme, two Naval bases, and several smaller water companies. Those agencies deliver our water to over 215,000 people, most of it treated or blended with other supplies. Each year, thousands of tests are conducted for over 180 constituents that could be found in drinking water.

The results of that testing are detailed in the Consumer Confidence Report, which is published by July 1 each year. The report includes information about the sources of drinking water supplies, what contaminants if any are present, and how they may affect public health. The report also indicates how our water supplies compare to state and federal standards.

Santa Clara River Watershed Sanitary Survey Update

United Water Conservation District performed the first sanitary survey for the Santa Clara River watershed in 1996 (supplemented in 1997).  The original sanitary survey has been updated on two occasions, the first update represented the period between the original survey and December 31, 2000 and the second survey followed five years later culminating on December 31, 2005.

Water Treatment Documents

The United Water Conservation District has prepared a feasibility study for iron and manganese treatment of deep wells that supply the Oxnard Hueneme Pipeline. The District is planning to construct treatment facilities which will improve the operational flexibility and drought resilience of the Oxnard Hueneme Pipeline system.


United Water Conservation District is dedicated to providing fresh, clean, and safe water to the retail agencies we serve. We follow strict water quality standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water. Our highly trained staff perform regular testing to ensure drinking water meets or exceeds those specifications. Water produced by our wells is naturally filtered through the ground and chlorine and chloramines are added for disinfection.

Consumer Confidence Report

United’s Oxnard Hueneme Delivery System supplies about 10,000 acre-feet of water per year to several agencies in the Oxnard Plain, including the cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme, two Naval bases, and several smaller water companies. Those agencies deliver our water to over 215,000 people, most of it treated or blended with other supplies. Each year, thousands of tests are conducted for over 180 constituents that could be found in drinking water.

The results of that testing are detailed in the Consumer Confidence Report, which is published by July 1 each year. The report includes information about the sources of drinking water supplies, what contaminants if any are present, and how they may affect public health. The report also indicates how our water supplies compare to state and federal standards.

Santa Clara River Watershed Sanitary Survey Update

United Water Conservation District performed the first sanitary survey for the Santa Clara River watershed in 1996 (supplemented in 1997).  The original sanitary survey has been updated on two occasions, the first update represented the period between the original survey and December 31, 2000 and the second survey followed five years later culminating on December 31, 2005.

Water Treatment Documents

The United Water Conservation District has prepared a feasibility study for iron and manganese treatment of deep wells that supply the Oxnard Hueneme Pipeline. The District is planning to construct treatment facilities which will improve the operational flexibility and drought resilience of the Oxnard Hueneme Pipeline system.


United staff conducts regular monitoring of groundwater levels throughout the District. The data from this monitoring is used to track trends and model the effects of future possible hydrologic conditions. In some cases, Basin Management Objectives (BMOs) have been established for a groundwater basin to maintain optimum water levels and prevent overdraft.



Monitoring of water levels, water quality, and other key parameters are an integral part of United’s successful planning and water conservation actions. Recent technical reports include, but are not limited to, the following:

General Reports



Monitoring of water levels, water quality, and other key parameters are an integral part of United’s successful planning and water conservation actions. Recent technical reports include, but are not limited to, the following:



Credit Ratings: Fitch’s and Standard & Poor’s



Credit Ratings: Fitch’s and Standard & Poor’s



Hydroelectric power generation at the Santa Felicia Dam is regulated by a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The license has various terms and conditions that UWCD must satisfy to remain in compliance with state and federal regulations. Some of the requirements are associated with structural engineering, water quality, and public safety, and others pertain to management of biological and land resources, and recreational opportunities and facilities.

Under the Federal Powers Act, FERC is responsible for licensing 2015 construction of new projects, relicensing existing projects, and oversight of all ongoing project operations, including dam safety inspections and environmental monitoring.



Hydroelectric power generation at the Santa Felicia Dam is regulated by a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The license has various terms and conditions that UWCD must satisfy to remain in compliance with state and federal regulations. Some of the requirements are associated with structural engineering, water quality, and public safety, and others pertain to management of biological and land resources, and recreational opportunities and facilities.

Under the Federal Powers Act, FERC is responsible for licensing 2015 construction of new projects, relicensing existing projects, and oversight of all ongoing project operations, including dam safety inspections and environmental monitoring.


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guides the issuance of permits and approval of projects. In this section you will find environmental impact reports, studies and documents related to District projects and operations.

Suspension of CEQA for Increased Importation of State Water Project Water under the Drought Emergency Executive Order N-7-22

Freeman Diversion Sediment Management Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration

Purchase of State Water Project Contract Carryover Water from Ventura Water and /or Casitas Municipal Water District and Finding that the Associated State Water Project Transfer is Exempt from CEQA

Oxnard Hueneme System Backup Generator Project at the El Rio Booster Plant

Santa Felicia Dam Environmental Impact Reports


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guides the issuance of permits and approval of projects. In this section you will find environmental impact reports, studies and documents related to District projects and operations.

Suspension of CEQA for Increased Importation of State Water Project Water under the Drought Emergency Executive Order N-7-22

Freeman Diversion Sediment Management Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration

Purchase of State Water Project Contract Carryover Water from Ventura Water and /or Casitas Municipal Water District and Finding that the Associated State Water Project Transfer is Exempt from CEQA

Oxnard Hueneme System Backup Generator Project at the El Rio Booster Plant

Santa Felicia Dam Environmental Impact Reports